Мятежный ангел / Angel Rebelde
Актерский состав:
Grettell Valdez (Греттель Вальдес)
.......... Lucia
Victor Noriega (Виктор Норьега)
.......... Raul Hernandez
Ariel Lopez Padilla (Ариэль Лопес Падилья)
.......... Ernesto Lezama
Osvaldo Rios (Освальдо Риос)
.......... Alejandro Valderrama
Lisette Morelos (Лисетт Морелос)
.......... Natacha Covarrubias
Marisol Calero (Марисоль Калеро)
.......... Etelvina Perez
Juan Pablo Gamboa (Хуан Пабло Гамбоа)
.......... Camilo Salazar
Alba Roversi (Альба Роверси)
.......... Elena Andueza Covarrubias
Ana Patricia Rojo (Ана Патрисия Рохо)
Norma Zuniga (Норма Суньига)
.......... Doña Lola
Franklin Virguez (Франклин Виргес)
.......... Alejo Espejo
Orlando Fundichelly (Орландо Фундичелли)
.......... Vicente
Ismael la Rosa (Исмаэль ла Роса)
.......... Leonel Anselmi
Bernie Paz (Берни Пас)
.......... Dr. Claudio Salazar
Claudia Islas (Клаудия Ислас)
.......... Doña Enriqueta Covarrubias
Maritza Rodriguez (Марица Родригес)
.......... Cristal Covarrubias
Maria Antonieta Duque (Мария Антоньета Дуке)
.......... Rubi Morante
Rodrigo Vidal (Родриго Видал)
.......... Luiggi Spaguetti
Patricio Borghetti (Патрисио Боргетти)
.......... Juan Cuchillo
Carlos Augusto Maldonado (Карлос Аугусто Мальдонадо)
.......... Rafa Morante
Andres Mistage (Андрес Мистейдж)
Maritza Bustamante (Марица Бустаманте)
.......... Marielita Covarrubias
Claudia Reyes (Клаудия Рейес)
.......... Iraida Ferrer
Marcela Cardona (Марсела Кардона)
.......... Graciela Santiago
Konstantino Vrotsos (Константино Вротсос)
.......... Cheito
Vivian Ruiz (Вивиан Руис)
.......... Balbina
Sandra Itzel (Сандра Итцель)
.......... Lissette Lezama
Julio Capote (Хулио Капоте)
.......... Rudenciño
Alba Raquel Barros (Альба Ракель Баррос)
.......... Simona Ramirez
Adriana Acosta (Адриана Акоста)
.......... Rosita Rosales
Desideria D`Caro (Дезидерия Д`Каро)
.......... Patricia Villaverde
Jorge Luis Pila (Хорхе Луис Пила)
.......... José Armando
Elizabeth Morales (Элизабет Моралес)
.......... Penelope
Sandra Arana (Сандра Арана)
Raul Olivo (Рауль Оливо)
.......... Alvaro Reyes
Hada Bejar (Хада Бехар)
.......... Tomasa
Sabrina Olmedo (Сабрина Ольмедо)
.......... Betania
Ines Maria Calero (Инес Мария Калеро)
.......... Diana Duarte
Lucia is a young girl who is in love with Raul. Raul is also in love with her. One day Lucia starts working in the mansion of DoЯa Enriqueta without knowing that she is working in the house of her Grandmother. In the manison she meets Crystal and Natasha, granddaughters of DoЯa Enriqueta. Natasha is good, her and Lucia become friends, but Crystal remembers a fight she had with Lucia in the street one day and begins to treat her bad. When Crystal meets Raul she falls in love with him but he loves Lucia. Crystal will do anything to get Raul, even kill. On the other hand, one night Lucia and Raul make love and Lucia becomes pregnant. But Crystal has offered Raul riches if he marries her and a better life for his child. When Lucia gives birth to "twins" she finds out that Crystal married Raul. Lucia is crushed, but she gets a chance to take revenge on Raul when her father Alejandro comes out of jail after 25 years. He was put in jail becuase of lies from DoЯa Enriqueta. DoЯa Enriqueta always hated Alejandro because her daughter Elena was in love with him, so she stole everything that belonged to him and put him in jail. Alejandro presures Lucia to get revenge on Crystal and DoЯa Enriqueta. And that's when the story starts. Then there is a fire and everyone thinks that Lucia is dead. But she is found by Romulo and brought to his mansion under the name Angela. There she meets his dying wife who asks her to marry Jose Armando when she dies. Angela (Lucia) doesn't know what to do. In the mansion she must deal with three enemies: Cristal, Rubi and Patricia. By coinsidence Raul meets Angela and begins to fall for her not knowing that she is Angela. When Crystal sees Angela she knows it's Lucia and her and Jose Armando make a plan to never tell Raul.
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